NJ Youth United Against War and Imperialism
PO Box 163, Belle Mead, NJ 08502, 908-635-3285, NJYU@NJYouthUnited.org
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YO! Youth Organizer Newspaper

Member Profiles


Wordpress Blog

Facebook Group



Culture of Resistance

Steering Committee Structure


Barry Deloatch Support


Yes!  I want to get my copy(ies) and / or distribute YO!
See paper


Street Address:   |

City:                      State:    Zip:

Phone 1                 Phone 2   


Organization(s) if any - where you will distribute:

School (if any)     

Donation for issues (Suggested $25 for 100 includes shippung $15 for 50, $1 plus 2 stamps for 1, etc)   Amount::

Make checks payable to NJ Youth United AWI and send to NJ Youth United, PO Box 163, Belle Mead, NJ 08502

We also welcome donations of stamps which will enable us to send the paper to more youth!  Indicate in the box below if you can send us stamps.

Please provide details as to what you want, how you can distribute, ideas, if you are looking for discount, etc.


There are many ways you can request us to get papers to you and your friends and colleagues.  For example - if you send us $5 - $10 donation and enough stamps to get the paper to 5, 10 or 20 of your friends and their addresses, we will mail them.

If you are close to us or passing through one of our neighborhoods and you want to save shipping costs, we can knock $5 off the bulk suggested donation.  We also offer discounted amounts - all the way to complete discount, if we are sure you are going to get the papers into the right hands of youths.

We also accept straight up donations if you just want to get one or a couple of papers but want to support our efforts.

If we get a large number of donations quickly and the papers are moving, we will consider doing a second run on the paper.  Otherwise, the funds will go toward covering the next issue - again assuming we get this one out.

Teachers and other educational staff - get bulk issues to share with other teachers, students and also to use as a curriculum aid in your classrooms.

And if you want to take your hand as a paper distributor, contact us.